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2023 Mercy Multiplied’s Run for Mercy

2023 Mercy Multiplied’s Run for Mercy

M1 was honored to be a sponsor at the 2023 Mercy Multiplied‘s Run for Mercy.

Run For Mercy

This year’s Run for Mercy was a virtual run. Runners were encouraged to sign up for the event but could choose to run or walk in their own neighborhood. The event has raised around $60K to help find healing and hope.

Mercy Multiplied's Run for Mercy

About Mercy Multiplied

Firstly, Mercy Multiplied exists to provide opportunities for all to experience G-d’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and life-transforming power. Their Residential and Outpatient programs are designed to equip men and women of all ages to live and stay free in Jesus Christ.

The vision for Mercy Multiplied was launched in 1983. Founder and President, Nancy Alcorn, spent eight years working for the government. Realizing that true transformation would never come as the result of any government system, Nancy started the first residential home in West Monroe, Louisiana. Mercy’s Residential Program helps young women break free from life controlling issues and situations. These residential services are offered free-of-charge.

Mercy has expanded residential locations to Nashville, Tennessee and Sacramento, and California. Future plans include building a residential home in Florida. The organization now has locations in the United Kingdom, and Canada.

Presently, the Mercy Multiplied Center for Wellness and Counseling is Mercy’s free-of-charge Outpatient counseling Program for men (Louisiana only) and women aged 13 and older.

Also located on its St. Louis property, is Mercy’s Keys to Freedom Retreat. In essence this five-day retreat is currently for women aged 18 and over and will include teaching sessions, worship, and small group discussion time, including ample time for personal reflection, rest, and refreshment. The Keys to Freedom Retreat offers a deep dive into the primary concepts shared in Mercy Multiplied’s Keys to Freedom discipleship study.

Of course, Mercy Multiplied remains ever faithful to its three guiding principles. Firstly, to provide our Residential and Outpatient Programs free of charge. Secondly, tithe 10% of what we receive. Lastly, never accept money with strings attached or that which would prevent our ability to share Jesus Christ. Mercy Multiplied’s Run for Mercy is a major fundraising event for this organization.