M1 Bank is honored to be a partner of STL Arc, as they provide assistance and empower people with disabilities.
Our Mission
The Mission of the St. Louis Arc is to empower people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to lead better lives. Shortly, they do this by providing a lifetime of high-quality services, family support and advocacy. They are also guided by the core beliefs of Respect, Collaboration, and Empowerment.
STL Arc works hard to provide the kind of individualized services that can really help make a difference to people with disabilities. Services provided are designed to assist both children and adults. St. Louis Arc aims to maximize choice and to support people as they build quality lives.
This organization is recognized as a quality leader among professional agencies. Since 1983, St. Louis Arc has been accredited by The Council on Quality and Leadership. They are dedicated to improving quality of life for people with disabilities. CQL standards are recognized by federal and state government as benchmarks for quality. STL Arc has been accredited by CQL continuously since 1983. In 2004 they were one of the first to be awarded a Value-Added accreditation. Subsequently, in 2016 they became the eighth organization worldwide to achieve Person-Centered Excellence Accreditation with Distinction. Moreover, in 2021 they became one of six agencies in the world to receive Person-Centered Excellence with Distinction.
As an affiliate chapter of The Arc of the United States, the St. Louis Arc has followed and adapted language and name changes in-line with the national organization over many years. In the 1990s, the Arc of the United States moved away from being an acronym, as did the St. Louis Arc. We are no longer branded or referred to as SLARC, the ARC or St. Louis ARC; we are simply, St. Louis Arc. We encourage all to learn more about the St. Louis Arc’s name and history.