One Heart Family Ministries

One Heart Family Ministries

M1 Bank is a proud sponsor of One Heart Family Ministries.

OHFM Background

One Heart Family Ministries recruits Christian parents for children in need of a foster or adoptive homes. One Heart assists in providing the necessary state training to become licensed foster and adoptive parents. They also provide Biblical foundation and perspective. OHFM is only Christian training offered in the St. Louis metropolitan area. One Heart also offers a network of support to their families after classes are completed.

This amazing foundation began in January 2004. Robin and Dave Kruse were called to reach out to children struggling in the foster care system. The Kruse’s became a foster family in 1990 and over the years they adopted five of their foster sons. The adoption and foster care experience has been such a blessing for 4 biological children as well as their 5 adopted sons. The Kruse’s wanted to let others know how they could be a part of making a difference in the life of a child.

Robin and Dave witnessed firsthand the negative effects of moving a child from one home to another. This motivated them to start One Heart. They wanted to recruit, train and support more families to nurture these hurting children. Children in the system feel unloved and they struggle with their identity and self-worth. One Heart seeks to give children in state care a home that will provide healing and hope for the future. One Heart Family Ministries, Inc. is a 501c (3) organization. All of One Heart’s services and training are offered free of charge and are conducted at the One Heart office located in West Hills Church in Town & Country, MO.

The Team

The staff at One Heart are committed to the mission. Emily Nienhuis, Executive Director, has been with the ministry since the beginning. She is a single adoptive mom of 6 beautiful girls and was an active foster parent for 16 years, caring for 26 children over the years. Theresa Williams, Director of Operations, has been with One Heart since 2008. She, along with her husband, have 5 children, two of them whom are adopted. Her family actively fostered children for 9 years, caring for 22 children over the years.

Caring for children from traumatic situations requires parents to embrace the compassion of Christ. Raising children is difficult in the best of situations, but children from hard places adds another level of complexity. Therefore, having a solid foundation in G-d is necessary to give you strength along this journey.