Kids + Clays Event

Kids + Clays Event

M1 Bank was a proud participant in the Kids + Clays event in conjunction with the Ronald McDonald House. 

Kids + Clays Event

This was the 22nd Annual event of its kind in St. Louis, and was hosted by ARCO construction. Importantly, all proceeds will benefit the local Ronald McDonald House Charities. Not surprisingly, this lively event features food, beverage and lots of fun!

Kids + Clays RMCH Event

About the Organization

Kids + Clays supports participating Ronald McDonald House Charities Chapters through shooting sports to improve the lives of critically-ill children and their families.

Chiefly, the organization schedules and coordinates shooting events to support participating Ronald McDonald House Charity Chapters. The group solicits in-kind contributions from generous national sponsors and donors to be used by participating Chapters who host annual Sporting Clays, Skeet and Trap fundraising events Additionally, the organization provides each participating Chapter with resources to run each event and offers on-site support to help with the events.  

Kids & Clays also hosts an annual National Drawing that generates funds for both Kids & Clays Foundation and the participating Chapters who sell drawing tickets. Participating Chapters keep 100% net of their event proceeds as well as national drawing ticket sales. These events have helped net almost $18,000,000.00 for participating Chapters since 1999.  

The Kids & Clays Foundation is unique in their partnership with the shooting industry. They introduce non-shooters to the fun of shooting sports participation and also to how much those sports contribute to wildlife conservation, the national economy and, in our case, to fundraising efforts for our charity of choice.