Civil Righteousness Table Event

Civil Righteousness Table Event

M1 Bank was honored to be a part of the Civil Righteousness Table Event this year. 

Civil Righteousness Table Event

Civil Righteousness aims to achieve reconciliation and restorative justice through spiritual, cultural, and economic renewal.

Founded in 2018, Civil Righteousness is a movement of holy activism, governed as not-for-profit charitable organization. The vision of the organization is to witness the restoration of all persons, places, and things through the pursuit of moral excellence and wholeness according to the biblical pattern.

This organization was born out of the civil unrest in Ferguson, Missouri. CRI is a grassroots response by the Christian community to address the historical racial divide in America. Inequity demands a Civil Rights movement, but iniquity demands a Civil Righteousness movement. CRI believes that the collective efforts of justice and righteousness represent the emergence of a multi-ethnic movement which may define a new era of cultural transformation, led once again by the Christian Church.

Civil Righteousness Table Event is an event aimed to educate people and take steps towards reconciliation.

For years, this movement has consisted of individuals who have boldly responded to our invitations at a grassroots level. With desire to be peacemaking witnesses, they’ve seen a tremendously diverse range of people engage with our events and teaching in the past. However, this year was more about effective multiplication of our message through discipleship, rather than mass mobilization in the streets. To that end, it was a year of trying new things. From hosting Peacemaker, their first 21-day leadership intensive, to launching Spark Tank, a nine month long business accelerator program, they began to focus on building deeply with a small group of folks who can spawn massive change when fully equipped and empowered.